Part of the programme at the London International Festival of Early Music from 9-12 Nov
Isabel Martín voice and percussion
Belén Nieto recorders and traverso
Rainer Seiferth vihuela
Miguel Rodrigáñez double bass
David Mayoral percussion
Desvíos a Santiago (‘Detours to Santiago’)
“The word road in my case will never mean anything other than a detour, the eternal labyrinth made by the traveller that allows himself to be lured by a side road and then by the side road of that side road, by the mystery of the unknown place name on a road sign”, says the dutch author Cees Nooteboom in his book Roads to Santiago, a beautifully written diary of his journeys through Spain.
This interest in veering off the beaten track and losing oneself joyously in promising horizons is also the driving force of Taracea’s work. In their latest programme, the Spanish ensemble looks at ancient pilgrim songs, spanning from the Middle Ages to the early baroque. In their eclectic arrangements, early music and modern improvisation, as well as elements from popular and Mediterranean music come together in a surprisingly harmonious way that already characterised the group’s first recording Akoé (2020 Alpha Classics).
In their UK debut at LIFEM, Taracea will present pieces from both albums.