This collaboration between young professional talent – soloists Claire Lees, Harry Thatcher and Rebecca Leggett – and local adults and schoolchildren, with students from Trinity Laban, overcame the frustrations of the past 18 months. Christopher Stark conducted a lively performance from all. James Hurley’s hectic, pink-and-gold TV gameshow production, with Cupid as host, kept everyone busy. Don’t ask me to explain exactly what was happening, but it was spirited and fun. And there was always a gaggle of charming Little Cupids on hand just when you needed them

★★★★ Fiona Maddocks, The Guardian

Venus and Adonis: A Masque for the entertainment of the King
Music by John Blow
Edited under the supervision of the Purcell Society by Bruce Wood


Venus Claire Lees
Adonis Harry Thatcher
Cupid Rebecca Leggett
Shepherdess Anna Pych*/Eleanor Kemp*
1st Shepherd Robert Lydon*/Lucas Artusio*
2nd Shepherd Lawrence Gillians*/William Semple*
3rd Shepherd Garreth Romain*/Miranda Ostler*

*Vocal student at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance

Blackheath Halls Opera Chorus
Blackheath Halls Orchestra
Blackheath Halls Youth Opera Company
Students from Charlton Park Academy and Greenvale School

Musical Director Christopher Stark
Director James Hurley
Designer Rachel Szmukler
Lighting Designer Jo Palmer

Working together again with so many lovely people with a common goal:  to bring performances to the stage, especially after the time we've had recently.   It seems as though life is beginning to return to "normal" and performing and singing is such an important part of that.   It was also brilliant seeing some people coming to the art form for the first time and getting so much out of it

Venus and Adonis chorus member