Come and join our friendly orchestra to rehearse and perform in our fabulous historic Victorian concert hall led by our Musical Director and conductor Christopher Stark, co-founder of the Multi-Story Orchestra
Rachmaninov Symphonic Dances
Kate Whitley I am I say
This season we play the glorious Symphonic Dances by Rachmaninov as well as a contemporary piece by composer and pianist Kate Whitley, who runs the Multi-Story Orchestra in Peckham South London. The orchestra will be accompanying a choir of 100 local school children
Rehearsals Sun 8 & 22 Oct 10.30am – 1pm, Sun 29 Oct, 5, 12, 19 Nov 2.30pm – 5.30pm
Sectionals Sun 15 Oct Strings and Woodwind 2.30pm – 5.30pm, Brass sectional timings tbc
Performance Rehearsal Sun 26 Nov 10.30am – 1pm
Performance Sun 26 Nov 7pm
Please email Rose Ballantyne with any queries or if you’d like to discuss a reduced subscription or make your payment in installments.